On Vi, 16 sep 11, 00:48:25, Ivan Shmakov wrote:
>       I wonder if there should be a separate mailing list to Cc: such
>       bug reports.  (debian-dependency-inquisitors@, perhaps?)

I don't think dependencies need any special handling compared to other 
bug reports. In cases where you don't agree with the resolution you can 
discuss the issue - together with the maintainer - on debian-devel.

>       I seem to remember that there was a longstanding issue with
>       Depends: logrotate.  Of course, no package should ever be
>       “rendered unusable” (which, AIUI, is the very essense of
>       Depends:) should logrotate not be installed!  Yet, there seem to
>       be something like 45 packages that Depends: on it as per Debian
>       Wheezy.

Could you provide concrete examples? I assume packages not logging to 
syslog do need some rotation of their logs, otherwise they could render 
systems unusable by filling up the drive.

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