Stan Hoeppner <> wrote:
>On 9/21/2011 9:14 AM, Lisi wrote:
>> And I have taken in that /var/log is a likely culprit.
>Not necessarily.  On a server /var/log is a likely culprit, but on a GUI 
>workstation I'd think /var/cache or /usr would be more likely, assuming 
>the problem is a hosed/misconfigured program.  If the problem is the 
>result of an errant drag/drop the files causing the undue swelling could 
>be in any directory you had/have write access to.
># du -s -h /var
># du -s -h /var/log
># du -s -h /var/cache
># du -s -h /var/tmp
># du -s -h /lost+found
># du -s -h /root
># du -s -h /tmp
># du -s -h /usr

I have just two further, not yet mentioned, ideas here:

a) try to umount /home and check if there is anything in /home –
normally invisible but nevertheless taking up space!

b) check not only the size of specific directories as given above but
the size of _every_ directory in /:

# cd /; du -shcx *

The "x" option makes du stay on the root filesystem, so it ignores
your /home filesystem (even if it is currently mounted). "c" produces
a grand total, you should check that this is the same as the usage
reported by "df". You might want to sort the output by piping the
result into "sort -h" ("h" for sorting wrt human-readable numbers).

Best regards,

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