Johnny wrote:
> johnny@xxxxxx:~$ ftp
> ftp: connect: No route to host
> I do have squeeze installed on another computer I can connect to one
> of my computers with no problem. But I can not connect with Debian
> Testing.
> What do I need to do to fix this.

No route to host is a network level issue outside of ftp.  To be clear
it has nothing to do with ftp.

Are both hosts using the same network subnet?  For example, if one is
using 192.168.1.* and other is using 192.168.2.* then they will not be
able to communicate because they will be using different subnets.  In
that case you would get "No route to host" exactly as you have posted.

Without showing us more information about your systems it is
impossible for us to help you further.  The output of the following
commands on each machine would be useful.

  $ ip addr show

  $ ip route show


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