Gilbert Sullivan <> writes:

> On 10/10/2011 10:17 AM, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> Is there a command similar to `dpkg --get-selections' that shows all
>> installed/deinstalled pkgs, but where one can get the dates of install
>> or remove.
>> A fairly quick pass thru man dpkg seems to indicate there is not.

> Well, if you don't need to go back more than about 6 months, I think
> you can find what you need in the aptitude logs (and archives) under
> /var/log.
> It happens that I keep all of my old aptitude logs because I like to
> keep track of this stuff all the way back to the original installation
> of the system.

I'm guessing by now you have worked out a script or the like to do
automate some of that.

I can look and figure some basic helper script once I've digested the
format of the various sources ... but hoping to coattail on something
you've already spent some time on.

If you have some kind of helper script perhaps you could post it here
unless that is frowned upon and if so then on some public file holding
HOST of which there are several online.

Media fire is the first thing google turned up, and I believe it is
free, at least for a while:

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