Brad Alexander wrote:
> Over the past few days, I've noticed on my sid workstation, that the number
> of zombie knotify processes has been increasing. Sunday, I had about six.
> Now I am up to 56. Has anyone else seen this behavior from knotify?

I don't use KDE nor knotify so have no comments specifically there.

However I wanted to note that zombies are left behind when the
*parent* of the process misbehaves.  If the parent does not wait(2)
for their dead children then the child process slot must remain around
as a zombie process to hold the exit status information until it is
transfered to the parent using wait(2).  That is why you can't kill
zombies.  They are already dead.  Look for the parent process to
identify the problem.

  ps -efH | less

The 'H' will sort processes hierarchically.  Search for the zombie
parent process.  That will identify the problem process.

I don't know if this will help or hinder but when a process is killed
init inherits all of the children and wait(2)s for them.  Therefore
killing the bad parent will release all of the zombie children.
Whether that will leave things in a good state or not in your
environment I don't know but killing the parent will allow the zombies
to finally die.


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