On Sun, 25 Sep 2011 13:24:11 +0000, Camaleón wrote:

> On Sat, 24 Sep 2011 20:19:49 +0000, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> (...)
>> Playback failure:
>> DVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd". Your input can't be opened:
>> VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'. Check the log for
>> details.
>> Now there appears to be no /dev/dvd, as tetified by ls in another shell
>> window:
>> hendrik@notlookedfor:~$ ls -l /dev/dvd ls: cannot access /dev/dvd: No
>> such file or directory hendrik@notlookedfor:~$
>> So the first step seems to be to find out why there's no /dev/dvd.
> That's weird...
> sm01@stt008:~$ ls -l /dev/dvd
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 sep 25 11:13 /dev/dvd -> sr0
> Does the system detect the insertion of the DVD? I mean, can you see an
> icon on the desktop or something under "/media/*"?
>> But I did find a device /dev/video0.
> Hum... this is usually for webcams or video cameras, not DVDs.
> What's the out put of "ls -la /dev/video0" and "dmesg|grep -i dvd"?
> (...)
>> Not sure where to go next.  An I missing device drivers?  Do I need a
>> kernel module for the UDF file system?  Some other packages?
> I think the problem could be at DVD media detection, it seems not to be
> recognized by the system.
> Greetings,
> --
> Camaleón

OK.  I went at it systematically, with a root shell on the side to 
monitor what was going on.

It appears to be a permissions problem.  I may have to get around it as 
root, but I'd like to have some idea what's going on first.

Here's what happened, starting from before I plugged in the USB DVD drive:


hendrik@notlookedfor:~$ su
notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# ls /dev
agpgart          loop1               sda2      tty2   tty45  uinput
autofs           loop2               sda3      tty20  tty46  urandom
block            loop3               sda4      tty21  tty47  usb
bsg              loop4               sda5      tty22  tty48  v4l
btrfs-control    loop5               sda6      tty23  tty49  vcs
bus              loop6               sda7      tty24  tty5   vcs1
char             loop7               sda8      tty25  tty50  vcs2
console          MAKEDEV             sg0       tty26  tty51  vcs3
core             mapper              shm       tty27  tty52  vcs4
cpu              mcelog              snapshot  tty28  tty53  vcs5
cpu_dma_latency  media0              snd       tty29  tty54  vcs6
disk             mem                 sndstat   tty3   tty55  vcs7
dm-0             net                 stderr    tty30  tty56  vcsa
dm-1             network_latency     stdin     tty31  tty57  vcsa1
dm-2             network_throughput  stdout    tty32  tty58  vcsa2
dri              null                tty       tty33  tty59  vcsa3
fb0              port                tty0      tty34  tty6   vcsa4
fd               ppp                 tty1      tty35  tty60  vcsa5
full             psaux               tty10     tty36  tty61  vcsa6
fuse             ptmx                tty11     tty37  tty62  vcsa7
hidraw0          pts                 tty12     tty38  tty63  VG1
hidraw1          random              tty13     tty39  tty7   vga_arbiter
hpet             rfkill              tty14     tty4   tty8   video0
initctl          root                tty15     tty40  tty9   xconsole
input            rtc                 tty16     tty41  ttyS0  zero
kmsg             rtc0                tty17     tty42  ttyS1
log              sda                 tty18     tty43  ttyS2
loop0            sda1                tty19     tty44  ttyS3

Next plug in USB DVD player.  Then look at syslog and ls again:

notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# tail /var/log/syslog
Oct 28 12:44:32 notlookedfor kernel: [75156.024851] USB Mass Storage 
support registered.
Oct 28 12:44:33 notlookedfor kernel: [75157.039253] scsi 2:0:0:0: CD-
ROM            HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GP08NU20  1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
Oct 28 12:44:33 notlookedfor kernel: [75157.044786] scsi 2:0:0:0: 
Attached scsi generic sg1 type 5
Oct 28 12:44:33 notlookedfor kernel: [75157.336214] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 
24x/24x writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
Oct 28 12:44:33 notlookedfor kernel: [75157.336227] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM 
driver Revision: 3.20
Oct 28 12:44:33 notlookedfor kernel: [75157.336720] sr 2:0:0:0: Attached 
scsi CD-ROM sr0
Oct 28 12:45:10 notlookedfor acpid: client 2138[0:0] has disconnected
Oct 28 12:45:13 notlookedfor acpid: client connected from 2138[0:0]
Oct 28 12:45:13 notlookedfor acpid: 1 client rule loaded
Oct 28 12:45:14 notlookedfor kernel: [75197.760323] composite sync not 
notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# ls /dev
agpgart          hpet                rtc       tty15  tty42  ttyS3
autofs           initctl             rtc0      tty16  tty43  uinput
block            input               scd0      tty17  tty44  urandom
bsg              kmsg                sda       tty18  tty45  usb
btrfs-control    log                 sda1      tty19  tty46  v4l
bus              loop0               sda2      tty2   tty47  vcs
cdrom            loop1               sda3      tty20  tty48  vcs1
cdrom1           loop2               sda4      tty21  tty49  vcs2
cdrw             loop3               sda5      tty22  tty5   vcs3
cdrw1            loop4               sda6      tty23  tty50  vcs4
char             loop5               sda7      tty24  tty51  vcs5
console          loop6               sda8      tty25  tty52  vcs6
core             loop7               sg0       tty26  tty53  vcs7
cpu              MAKEDEV             sg1       tty27  tty54  vcsa
cpu_dma_latency  mapper              shm       tty28  tty55  vcsa1
disk             mcelog              snapshot  tty29  tty56  vcsa2
dm-0             media0              snd       tty3   tty57  vcsa3
dm-1             mem                 sndstat   tty30  tty58  vcsa4
dm-2             net                 sr0       tty31  tty59  vcsa5
dri              network_latency     stderr    tty32  tty6   vcsa6
dvd              network_throughput  stdin     tty33  tty60  vcsa7
dvd1             null                stdout    tty34  tty61  VG1
dvdrw            port                tty       tty35  tty62  vga_arbiter
dvdrw1           ppp                 tty0      tty36  tty63  video0
fb0              psaux               tty1      tty37  tty7   xconsole
fd               ptmx                tty10     tty38  tty8   zero
full             pts                 tty11     tty39  tty9
fuse             random              tty12     tty4   ttyS0
hidraw0          rfkill              tty13     tty40  ttyS1
hidraw1          root                tty14     tty41  ttyS2

Now /dev/sro exists. as well as /dev/cdrom. /dev/cdrom1, /dev/dvd. /dev/
dvd1/ /dev/dvdrw. and /dev/dvdrw1/

More specifcally, 

notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# ls -l /dev/sr0 /dev/cdr* /dev/dvd*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      3 Oct 28 12:44 /dev/cdrom -> sr0
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      3 Oct 28 12:44 /dev/cdrom1 -> sr0
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      3 Oct 28 12:44 /dev/cdrw -> sr0
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      3 Oct 28 12:44 /dev/cdrw1 -> sr0
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      3 Oct 28 12:44 /dev/dvd -> sr0
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      3 Oct 28 12:44 /dev/dvd1 -> sr0
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      3 Oct 28 12:44 /dev/dvdrw -> sr0
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      3 Oct 28 12:44 /dev/dvdrw1 -> sr0
brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 Oct 28 12:44 /dev/sr0

so /dev/sr0 has restricted permissions, just rw for root and for the cdrom 

notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# cat /etc/group | grep cdrom

But it's quite clear I'm not in the cdrom group.  Would this explain why 
I'm haveing trouble playing the DVD I recorded on my DVD recorder?  
Possibly.  Except that I have no trouble playing a commercial DVD, which 
I presume not being in the cdrom group would also prevent.  Nonetheless, 
I'll put myself into the cdrom grop.

notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# adduser hendrik cdrom
Adding user `hendrik' to group `cdrom' ...
Adding user hendrik to group cdrom

Next, I'll try putting my DVD into the DVD player.

i'm told in a popup window, 

Unablec to mount $ DVD Rewritable Volume $

Not Authorized

and invited to click "OK" in the message box.  Now I don't particularly 
think this is OK, but I click it anyway.
Back to my root login, I check out /mnt.  It looks as if nothing 
particular is moounted there,

notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# ls /mnt
notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# df /mnt
Filesystem                    1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/VG1-testing--root  20642428 9825456   9768396  51% /

so, as root, I mount /dev/dvd

notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# mount /dev/dvd /mnt

and it appears to succeed.  What's on that disk?

notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# ls /mnt
notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# ls /mnt -l
total 2
d--------- 2 4294967295 4294967295 2048 Dec 31  2001 DVD_RTAV
notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# ls -l /mnt/DVD_RTAV/
total 3301444
-rw-rw-rw- 1 4294967295 4294967295     122880 Nov 28  2002 VR_MANGR.IFO
-rw-rw-rw- 1 4294967295 4294967295 3380555776 Nov 28  2002 VR_MOVIE.VRO
notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# ls -al /mnt/DVD_RTAV/
total 3301448
d--------- 2 4294967295 4294967295       2048 Dec 31  2001 .
drwxrwxrwx 3 4294967295 4294967295       2048 Oct  2 17:52 ..
-rw-rw-rw- 1 4294967295 4294967295     122880 Nov 28  2002 VR_MANGR.IFO
-rw-rw-rw- 1 4294967295 4294967295 3380555776 Nov 28  2002 VR_MOVIE.VRO
notlookedfor:/home/hendrik# file /mnt/DVD_RTAV/*
/mnt/DVD_RTAV/VR_MOVIE.VRO: MPEG sequence, v2, program multiplex

This is not what I was expecting, but I can't say I know what to expect.

Now let's try starting VLC, as ordinary user,  I could start is from the 
gnome menu, but I do it from the shell, in case there should be relevant 

It starts up.

hendrik@notlookedfor:~$ vlc
VLC media player 1.1.12 The Luggage (revision exported)
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS")
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE")
[0x877f8fc] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 
'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
Blocked: call to setlocale(6, "")
Warning: call to srand(1319859644)
Warning: call to rand()
Blocked: call to setlocale(6, "")

(process:16422): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
        Using the fallback 'C' locale.

edia->open disk

Open media dialogue shows up, with DVD checked, disk device /dev/
dvd ,starting posision litle 0, chapter 0, audio track -1, subtitles 
track  -1

And the shell window now says,

(process:16422): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
        Using the fallback 'C' locale.
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()
Warning: call to rand()

I say "play".

shell window gets

libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 4.1.4
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO.
libdvdnav: vm: failed to read VIDEO_TS.IFO
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO failed
libdvdnav:DVDOpenFileUDF:UDFFindFile /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP failed
libdvdread: Can't open file VIDEO_TS.BU.
[0xb4c00624] main input error: open of `dvd:///dev/dvd' failed: (null)

and an error window pops up saying

Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'. Check the log for details.

But it doesn't have a menu item to show a log.  Presumably that's why I 
needed to start it from the shell.

What's my next step?  Presumably it's a permissions problem.  What is the 
meaning of user ID and group ID 4294967295 anyway?  Should I copy the 
VR_MANGR.IFO and VR_MOVIE.VRO files as root and change their permissinos?  
Should I run vlc as root?  Should I try to chmod the files on the DVD 
itself?  Would that even work?

-- hendrik

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