On Sb, 22 oct 11, 19:11:01, Aniruddha wrote:
> When I install a package with apt-get  it gets installed with all it's
> dependencies. However when I remove a packages some dependencies are
> left on the system. For example:
> to install:
> apt-get install lxde
> to remove:
> apt-get remove lxde
> apt-get autoremove
> deborphan
> Does not remove all packages. Lxterminal, openbox and  pcmanfm are not
> removed.  In Arch I can remove a package and all it's dependencies
> with pacman -Runs lxde  and in Gentoo with emerge --depclean. Is there
> a similar command for Debian?

Have a look at 'apt-cache rdependes <package>', my guess is something 
else depends/recommends those packages, maybe indirectly. The situation 
you are describing also happens if you encounter circular dependencies.

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