On Lu, 14 nov 11, 21:48:05, Dan B. wrote:
> What command shows the virtual console video mode (specifically,
> the information needed to set it to that mode if it's in a different
> mode)?
> When I boot with my monitor connected (through a KVM), I end up with
> high-resolution virtual consoles (67 rows by 240 columns).
> However, when I boot with the KVM switched away, then since the
> kernel/etc. can't auto-detect my monitor, I get lower resolutions
> (48 rows by 128 columns, or 25 by 80 once).

Anything interesting in dmesg?
> Of course, I'd like to force it to use the higher resolution regardless
> of which computer my KVM is switched to when this computer boots.

I seem to recall that for KMS this is done via kernel parameters.

Hope this helps,
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