On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 10:49:57AM +0200, Mark Panen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just set up a 32" monitor with a resolution of 1366x768 and
> the fonts are terrible in KDE except iceweasel and icedove, the page
> and body text bit is fine. kwrite is terrible, i can hardly read the
> font.

You might want to check your DPI is set correctly:

 $ xdpyinfo | grep dimensions
 $ xdpyinfo | grep "dots per inch"

The first of those will tell you what X thinks your screen size is in
pixels and in millimetres. I think you should get something like this:

 $ xdpyinfo | grep dimensions
   dimensions:    1366x768 pixels (708x398 millimetres)

The second command will tell you what X thinks your screen resolution is
in dots per inch. You should be looking for something around 49 dots per
inch for your screen.

If everything is correct there, then your system is set up correctly and
it may just be that your font is struggling (49 dpi is rather low). Try
picking a different font and see if it helps.

If the numbers you get aren't as you expect, it may be that X isn't
detecting the size of your monitor correctly. In that case, create a
file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf with the following

 Section "Monitor"
     Identifier "<default monitor>"
         DisplaySize 708 398    # In millimeteres

You may need to be root to write that file. Leave the section in
angle-brackets as is, but feel free to adjust the numbers after
DisplaySize to match your monitor (You want to measure the actual,
viewable size if you're doing that). Logging out and back in should
apply the new configuration.

Darac Marjal

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