On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:08:04 +0100
Joost Kraaijeveld <j.kraaijev...@askesis.nl> wrote:

Hello Joost,

> Does Synaptic display the wrong status? Or do the descriptions not
> cover the meaning? Can I check somehow what the status of a packed is
> outside Synaptic?

Your understanding of the term "manual" is flawed.  It means *you* asked
for the package to be installed, via Synaptic, apt or aptitude, rather
than it being installed as as system requirement, or dependency of
another package, not from outside those systems. If you install a
package outside Synaptic et al, there is no way that they can know about
it, so it won't be listed in their databases, anyway.

Auto-removable packages are those that may get removed to make way for
new packages, if space gets short.  Theoretically, you should be able to
remove them without problem, but it's not always the case, as you've

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Does she always shout at you, does she tell you what to do
Family Life - Sham 69

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