A couple of issues:

On 30.11.2011 06:03, vr wrote:
> I'm having trouble getting remote rsyslog to work.
> Can anyone look over my config and offer clues what I've done wrong 
> please?
> SENDING SERVER (, Squeeze, up to date)
> /etc/rsyslog.conf
> $ModLoad imudp
> $UDPServerRun 514
> main.info             @
> mail.warn             @
> mail.err              @
> /etc/default/rsyslog

On the client, i.e. the sending host, you don't need $ModLoad imudp and
$UDPServerRun 514, that is only need for the receiving server.

And as was already mentioned, you are sending the messages to yourself

> RECEIVING SERVER (, Squeeze, up to date)
> /etc/rsyslog.conf
> $ModLoad imudp
> $UDPServerRun 514
> /etc/default/rsyslog

The options in /etc/default/rsyslog (as documented) are outdated. Keep
the default compat level (-c 4) and use the $UDPServerRun directive, as
you already did.

A trivial example:

sender (
*.*             @

receiver (
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514
*.*             /var/log/all

That's all.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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