Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > The namespace is defined by Debian Policy.  The filename should be
> > named after the package name.  Since the package names must be
> > different the file name derived from it must be different.  (I think
> > it is okay for /etc/default/foo to be part of a foo-common package
> > though.  The namespace intention has been preserved.)
> It's not always the case:
> /etc/default/alsa created by alsa-base
> /etc/default/apache2 created by apache2.2-common
> /etc/default/bluetooth created by bluez
> /etc/default/bootlogd created by initscripts
> /etc/default/cacerts created by ca-certificates-java
> /etc/default/cryptdisks created by cryptsetup
> /etc/default/decnet created by dnet-common
> /etc/default/devpts created by initscripts
> /etc/default/halt created by initscripts
> /etc/default/keyboard created by keyboard-configuration
> /etc/default/locale created by locales
> /etc/default/nss created by libc-bin
> /etc/default/saned created by sane-utils
> /etc/default/ssh created by openssh-server
> /etc/default/tmpfs created by initscripts
> /etc/default/useradd created by passwd
> /etc/default/wicd created by wicd-daemon

Okay I was wrong on the strictly exact names.  But most of those do
exist within the expected namespace of the parent package.  The only
ones that are a stretch are devpts and tmpfs.  The others are pretty


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