David Baron wrote:
> Actually, whole business seems broken.
> The above file is not really used anywhere, it seems. NO eth2 at all.

Do you get a network device?  If so what is the name?  I gather from
your messages that it isn't called eth2.

Note that /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules keeps a cache of
your network devices.  If you have changed network devices then this
will cause the name to be a different name from the previous network
interface device.  It will cache the ethernet address in that file and
map it to a unique device name.  If you delete that file and reboot
then a new file will be created at boot time with the current devices
listed in it.

> I have to rerun netcardconfig to get this back every startup, last couple of 

I have never used that utility.  Are you sure you need it?  Are you
sure it isn't simply confusing things?

> days. After doing that and restarting tinyproxy, dovecot, etc., things work. 
> Otherwize, network unreachable.

Is it setting up a dynamic address using dhcp?  If so then it would be
better to simply set up a dhcp address in /etc/network/interfaces.
Here is a standard tempate.

  auto eth0
  allow-hotplug eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp

> If I simply run network-manager restart, I get incorrect paramters.

Use of NetworkManager is a controversial topic.  It is discussed and
flamed very often on this mailing list.  Search the archives for an
education of it.  There are strong feelings on all sides.  Personally
I think it was ill conceived and I always remove it.


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