On Vi, 13 ian 12, 06:16:15, Don Juan wrote:
> On 01/13/2012 06:02 AM, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> >On Vi, 13 ian 12, 05:47:10, Don Juan wrote:
> >>Or you could just set it in inittab. You can also hit edit on grub
> >>and just type 3 after your boot options and will over ride the
> >>switch to run level 5 and go to 3
> >There is no switch to runlevel 5 in stock Debian ;)
> >(because runlevels 2-5 are identical)
> >
> >Kind regards,
> >Andrei
> Sure technically they are the same but also technically they are
> different (X vs. no X)  and you do switch from one run level to the
> other, If you just killed X you would no longer be in run level 5.
> Would change be more acceptable? :P
> To me though the best would be in inittab since that is Linux wide
> way of switching the default booting run level

Sorry, but this is not what I meant.

By default, all runlevels in Debian are *identical*[1]. Because of this 
it makes no sense for switch/change or whatever to runlevel 5, which is 
why the default runlevel in Debian is 2 and not 5[2].

[1] actually there is a small difference in inittab itself ;)
[2] yes, I know other distros don't do it like this, and no, what they 
are doing is not a standard, it's just common practice. I've made this 
confusion too a few years ago :)

Kind regards,
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