On Jo, 26 ian 12, 10:19:06, Richard Owlett wrote:
> But that's not relevant. I am not ready to commit to installing yet.
> I wish to verify that in can operate with my hardware. Specifically
> connect to internet via my USB Analog Modem (it's *NOT* a winmodem
> ;)

> You later define a live CD as containing "... a live environment so
> people can test hardware support before installing ..."
> My very first test is:
>  Can the "live system" *AS DELIVERED* connect to the internet?

The canonical way to setup the internet on Debian is via 
/etc/network/interfaces. For dial-up you will need pppconfig, which is 
not included in a default install. Network Manager (included with the 
Gnome variant) might be able to do it, but I can't tell.

> This distro (debian-live-6.0.3-i386-lxde-desktop.iso) evidently
> fails.
> And evidently fails no matter how the internet is connected.

No, connecting via ethernet is trivial and might be already setup to 
work if DHCP is available (I don't know and am too lazy to check). Other 
live CDs may include own tools to connect.

Kind regards,
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