> I hope this isn't too off topic for this list but smart people lurk about
> these parts.

Hello Nick,
> In a nutshell, my wife and I starting a small business in a family
> oriented
> neighborhood. We're serving coffee, espresso and baking fresh bread and
> pastry on premises. The shop will be located at the northern tip of
> Manhattan in the vicinity of Inwood Hill Park (last remaining undeveloped,
> old
> growth forest in Manhattan), Isham Park and Fort Tryon Park.

Sounds like you've located well.
Looks like the sort of area that would have a reasonable traffic level and
give your business a reasonable level of exposure.
> Starting on a shoe-string budget during a recession, I plan on using GNU
> software for
> as much as I can possibly can without devoting too much time to computing.
> Music Player Daemon for music, possibly sc for basic spreadsheet
> needs, m0n0wall firewall for Wi-Fi, etc. Also investigating a Linux
> payroll
> system, etc.

50% of small business folds in its first year and a further 50% of those
fail in the second, for a variety of reasons. One of those is you simply
don't give yourself enough time to live.
In small business you develop the habit of making your customers your
social life, but over and above that, you must have time for yourself.
Doing the books after you've just finished working ten hours a day + is
one of those things that drags you down over a period of time and causes a
business to fold. You argue with your family, the attitude reflects in how
you relate to your customers and all aspects of performance, personal and
professional, fall by the wayside.

First step, have Libreoffice installed for basic letters and expense
spread sheeting as they come in, then hand the lot to an accountant. Get
him to do payroll also. Just feed him the figures. He won't charge you the
earth because he'll know what's coming in the door and won't kill the
goose that lays the golden egg. It's a sound business move and it helps
him because he knows exactly what your situation is and end of year work
for him is little more than hitting the enter key.
> Wife uses a Mac. I have been using Debian since 1996 for all my daily
> needs, though I still
> would not call my self a guru. We do not have any social media presence
> and
> we like it that way. No facebook, twitter or other accounts. We use basic
> cell
> phones. With that said...
> Everyone has been telling us that we *absolutely* have to be on facebook
> and
> twitter, if not more, for our coffee house. They argue that it's free
> marketing and advertising. That we need facebook to advertise events and
> specials. That most people today check their facebook before their email.
> That is, if they check their email at all.

I am a Master Pastry Chef by trade and a certified Baker.
I have been essentially working for myself since my late teens.
I have worked in Northern Italy and Vienna and won competitions in both
environments in competitions at the national level. That was when I was
younger and needed the opinions of others. This was before Zuckerburg was
even a twinkle in his Daddy's eye. I have been extremely successful and
that lead others to ask me for my opinion of their ventures. This is how I
got started in consultancy work.

I have never had a Facebook account and never will.
I despise Zuckerburg and people may well say you need to be on there but I
can't see the connection. What's the point in advising people in Bayern,
Germany of your latest specials in Manhatten?
> This does not sit well with me. I've read the tech news concerning
> facebook's
> privacy and "intellectual property" policies. I've recently read about
> twitter's country based censorship controversy.
> Being a neighborhood shop, I was hoping to avoid social media. I want to
> interact with people in person. But I agree that I need a way to let
> people
> know about events of specials. Can I do that with GNU software without
> selling my soul to Zuckerberg? Do I even need software or could I be
> smarter
> about this?

You can use software as previously mentioned and there are a wealth of
programmes that will be invaluable. Have a look at glabels, for example.
I design my own business cards and give the sheet to the printer with the
words, "This is what I want". They have no excuse if they can't produce
what I can on my end-user PC.
> P.S. Thinking about "social media" pisses me off even more because,
> currently
> working as a paramedic, I've had co-workers take their phones out while
> treating
> patients. And I have yelled at people. These days, seems most people can't
> go
> two minutes without sucking on their digital pacifier.

I would actually advise joining LinkedIn. It's the only network where you
are in touch with other food professionals straight away.

Networking is important.
But Facebook and Twitter....No need for that waste of time.

The most valuable advertising medium you have is your product.
Put your heart and soul into that and people will advertise for you.
Referral advertising is the only form you need really.

I remember working in a small out-of-the-way shop with a Frenchman once.
It took a while, but after six months, I was making 450 - 500 pies a day.
We wouldn't sell that many in a day, but we'd freeze them and in the
weekend, people would come from as much as 80 miles away, eat two on the
footpath outside - the place was too small for tables - and then take a
dozen frozen away with them for the week. That was in the early 70's and
we were charging $2.75 for a pie. A phenomenal price in those days, but
the quality was there.

People rave over 'location, location, location' and it definitely helps,
but if you produce a consistent quality at a consistent price and supply
at a consistent service standard, these are the required elements for a
successful business. If you don't have the ideal location, it just takes
longer for people to find you, that's all, but if you have the product,
they'll travel for it. From your description, it sounds like you have the
ideal location also.

Just don't let business destroy your marriage.

If you need to know more, I'm happy to help, but it might be best if you
contact me off list.


Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.

— Lucius Annæus Seneca.

Terrorism, the new religion.

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