
I seem to have a strange problem. I have a server which is showing a
load average of around 1 but cpu usage of 0.6% over two cpus.

What bothers me is that load average used to stay under 0.16 previously
- nothing has changed. I have already tried to see if there are any
processes blocking using ps auxwww but they all seem to be in State S
with a few in SW and two in SWN.

%cpu in iowait is also 0% according to top. 

also, iostat tells me the following (iostat -k)

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice    %sys   %idle
           8.31    0.00    0.75   90.94

Device:            tps    kB_read/s    kB_wrtn/s    kB_read    kB_wrtn
dev8-0            1.72         0.06        19.45     137015   41971011

Its really only running postgresql since it running as  a db server.

Any help is getting to the bottom of this appreciated.


Shri Shrikumar       U R Byte Solutions           Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant      Edinburgh, Scotland          Mob:   0773 980 3499
                     Web: www.urbyte.com          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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