On 21 February 2012 21:07, Tom H <tomh0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Never having used Emdebian, I can only give some Debian answers and
> they'll hopefully be usable.

In this case yes, mostly my particular installation is just Debian with
documentation and certain other files scrubbed from the packages.

> For filesystem UUIDs, I wouldn't use "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID="true"".
> I'd change the new flash card's UUIDs with tune2fs and mkswap to match
> the copied/cloned "/etc/fstab".

I didn't realise you could do this! Much neater.

> For NIC MAC addresses, you have to delete
> "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" and it'll be recreated
> with a reboot or with "echo add > /sys/class/net/eth0/uevent".

I noticed that some of the hooks they use in live-build do this, so I'll
work on adapting those.

> If your original has a fixed IP address, ...

No, but there are various packages (resolvconf, wicd), which when properly
configured, can take care of that.

> You can also change the hostname but you don't need to do so.

At what point in the boot process is it assigned? I could write a script to
change it to "some_basename-some_random_ID" upon boot.


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