Mitchell Laks <> wrote:
>however putting 
>PAGER="less -q"
>alone seemed to set the variable (ie echo $PAGER
>responded less -q)
>but it did not change the behavior of say "man pdl"

That’s because you only set this variable to your shell and did not
export it. Observe:

$ D="123"
$ echo $D # Echo is a shell builtin, additionally, this $D gets expanded by the 
calling shell
$ /bin/bash -c "echo $D" # Let's call a subshell and send it echo $D. $D again 
gets expanded by the calling (our) shell
$ /bin/bash -c 'echo $D' # Single quotes stop our shell from expanding variables

$ export D # Export the variable D, making it available to called programs, too
$ /bin/bash -c 'echo $D' # Single quotes stop our shell from expanding variables

You might also want to play with the ‘env’ command, which prints out
all currently-exported variables.

> "/usr/pager" does not exist on my systems

Good, it shouldn’t.

>how would one add any alternative to the alternatives system
>after creating the /bin/lessq file
>(containing the line something line 
>less -q $1 
>i guess)

Just to clean that up:

/bin/lessq (I would actually suggest using /usr/local/bin/lessq)
would then contain something like:

/bin/less -q $*

To then install this (after making it executable) as an alternative
for pager, one would have to:

# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/pager pager /usr/local/bin/lessq 100

which should automagically select /u/l/b/lessq as the default pager.
If you want to change that, try

# update-alternatives --config pager

or, to get more information:

# update-alternatives --query pager

Of course,

$ man update-alternatives

is always a good starting point for such things.

Best regards,

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