Thank you kindly, Selim, that is a good tip also.

I think we can safely close this thread.


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Selim T. Erdogan
<> wrote:
> Charles Krinke,  3.03.2012:
>> I do have a "gnome-panel" panel and I can manipulate it to some
>> extent. Meaning I have an application item, my several virtual
>> desktops which I can rename normally, the clock and a few other
>> goodies.
>> The key right now is the missing desktop items causes me to have to
>> navigate a menu if I want a terminal which is a bit annoying.
>> Additionally, I have a few PDF files, a file browser, internet browser
>> and a couple of source files I refer to regularly and being able to
>> click on them on the desktop is quite convenient.
> As far as I could see, you now have your desktop items displaying fine
> but I'm not sure that your second question was solved: how to find out
> what programs are run when you select items from the menu and how to
> conveniently run these without going through the menu.
> Here in gnome classic on sid, I can go to the menu item I want and push
> down the left mouse button, without releasing it (half click?).  Then I
> move the mouse around a little and I can carry the application icon to
> the gnome-panel, and release.  Once it's there, I can right click to see
> the properties, including what program it runs.  (To remove it from the
> panel, I can alt-right click on it.)  You can also use this method to
> carry the icon onto your desktop instead of your gnome-panel.
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Charles Krinke

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