Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
> Scott wrote:
> | 1. authconfig - used to turn on/off MD5 passwords
> # dpkg-reconfigure -plow passwd
> will prompt you (again) for whether or not to enable md5 passwords.
> I /think/ answer to that question affects how /etc/login.defs and/or
> /etc/pam.d/{login,passwd} are created/modified.

It affects /etc/pam.d/* for anything that uses the 'password' service
from PAM.  So the list of files is indefinite.  so using
dpkg-reconfigure is certainly a good recommendation.

Related to this is the shadow password configuration.  There is a
standalone utility to deal with that and the dpkg-reconfigure above
calls it as needed.  'shadowconfig on' and 'shadowconfig off'

> | 2. hwconf - shows what hardware is in place
> I don't think there is an equivalent.  What functionality do you need
> out of this?  The 'lspci' command will list the PCI devices.  Other
> hardware info, as seen by the kernel, can be found in /proc.  There
> are probably other sources of information, depending on what you are
> looking for.

Note that lspci as a non-root only shows you some things.  To get all
of the information which is more equivalent to hwconf you need to run
as root and supply -v.

  sudo lspci -v

> | 4. syslog - syslog configuration including syslogd options
> /etc/syslog.conf

RH /etc/sysconfig/syslog file sets options.  Things like this.


This is more similar to /etc/default/* on Debian.  Normally you would
look there.  But for syslogd itself there is not any equivalent
/etc/default/syslog file.  Probably there should be.  Bug 98631
documents this at

So for syslog you will need to edit the /etc/init.d/sysklogd startup
script and change the 'SYSLOGD=""' options at the top of that file.


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