On Vi, 06 apr 12, 16:35:33, James Brown wrote:
> I have no big problems with X screen resolution. After loading the
> desktop environment I indeed have a screen more little than physical
> display but I can fix it by using ordinary gnome means
> (gnome-display-properties). But I cannot fix that problem in consoles.
> I'm setting screen resolution for boot only -
> When my system booting, I have very good fonts in console and full
> screen size - both in the grub console and in the console of initrd.
> Then, I type my LUKS-passphrase (I have the disk-encrypted system
> installed with defaul settings of Debian installer - /boot on /dev/sda1
> and LVM on encrypted physical partition).
> Immediatly after that my fonts and screen are still normal and after
> some times they changes to awful.

I've been following the whole thread and it's still a bit unclear to me 
what the issue you are trying to solve is, so let me try to ask some 
more questions (sorry if some of them have already been answered):

1. what is the native/max resolution of your laptop?
2. on boot, does the menu+background picture occupy the entire screen? 
(if not, then how much of it?)
3. same for the "normal" phase of the boot
4. same for the "awful" phase of the boot (after you type the LUKS 

Please also attach the full output of 'dmesg' immediately after boot.

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