Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You for Your time and extended answer!
You worte:

> Well, I am new to RSS, I have tried it w/ claws-mail plug-in and did not
> > like that I was unable to remove the read feeds permanently - that is it
> > was removed until next feeds update. Therefore, I like email
> > subscriptions more.
> I see.
> I can't tell for RRSyl plugin because I don't know how it works nor what
> it supports/features but many RSS readers can be configured in that
> regard (when/what to delete/archive), but what I do with RSS feeds is
> just keeping them for a period of time (which varies depending on the
> number of the updates a channel provides) and then they are automatically
> replaced by new content, which is the default approach, I guess. I don't
> store them in the disk unless Liferea (my rss reader) is doing it to keep
> its own caching.
> Seems I have to forget about the claws-mail plug-in and try the
specialized programs - For I like order and the mixture of read/unread
messages is annoying to me.

> > The one subscription I had before time wearied me w/ their swearing
> > (basically in linux software - I understand that the developers involved
> > may be immoral - but why spread it by news makers?!) so I had to decline
> > it. :o/ And now I am looking for replacement.
> Fair decision.

Oh! Thank You! I feel inspired to go on for good! :o)

> And now you tell, I was subscribed by e-mail to some techie magazines
> written in Spanish ("Kriptopolis", "RED"...) but I quitted because their
> editoral line was somehow changed as times goes on and well, I didn't
> like much the new one. I suppose the argument will sound you fairly
> familar ;-)

May be. :o)

> > Why do You prefer feeds over email, in case it is not a secret? ;o)
> <joking mode on>
> I can tell you the secret but I'll have to destroy you afterwards...
> </joking mode off>

Oh that's the end! :o)

> Because I consider news (rss feeds) to be a "temporary" source of bits
> (read and ditch) I don't want to "store" anywhere but just help to keep
> me updated/informed (they also allow me to avoid browsing the newspapers
> websites full of advertizing materials). Basically, I use rss feeds as a
> modern incarnation of the teletype: it's fast, simple and gets to the
> point.

Well. I think the email subscription of news does the same - first sends
You the material You have chosen, then You can easily delete it as any
other message. Seems same to tme? - But what is comfortable - I use the
very same program - the email client for both, whereas in case of using
feeds - I have to use for the very same purposes already two programs - I
can not call it wise, or s oit seems to me.

> For e-mails I have a quite different (and costly) policy, I store
> messages for years and years... and years. Yup, I know, like someone
> suffering from "Diogenes syndrome" but for e-mails O:-)
Oh, then I see the difference for You. ;o)

OK. Thank You, Camaleón for Your letter - it is always a pleasure and
profit to me - to read from You. ;o)

Have a good time!


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