
I am trying to increase the number of open files the sendmail daemon
may have. I have read that inserting a ulimit command in the init
script is the way to do this. I have adjusted the init script as so:

# head -n 25 /etc/init.d/sendmail
# Provides:          sendmail
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $network $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $network $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      1
# Short-Description: powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent
# Description:       Sendmail is an alternative Mail Transport Agent (MTA)
#                    for Debian. It is suitable for handling sophisticated
#                    mail configurations, although this means that its
#                    configuration can also be complex. Fortunately, simple
#                    thing can be done easily, and complex thing are possible,
#                    even if not easily understood ;)  Sendmail is the *ONLY*
#                    MTA with a Turing complete language to control *ALL*
#                    aspects of delivery!

ulimit -n 4096 || echo "Setting ulimit failed for sendmail daemon."
echo Ulimit value for sendmail: `ulimit -n`

# Author: Marc-Christian Petersen <>

I then reboot the system and I see this in my boot log:

>From /var/log/boot:
Wed Apr 11 10:54:28 2012:
Wed Apr 11 10:54:28 2012: Ulimit value for sendmail: 4096
Wed Apr 11 10:54:28 2012:
Wed Apr 11 10:54:28 2012: Starting Mail Transport Agent (MTA): sendmail

However, it looks like the sendmail daemon is still stuck at a maximum
of 1024 open files:

# cat /proc/1634/limits | grep 'Max open files'
Max open files            1024                 1024                 file

Any ideas of how I can change the maximum open files for sendmail or
what I am doing wrong?

FWIW, I did tweak the clamav-milter daemon using a ulimit in the init
script and it seemed to work:

# cat /proc/1892/limits | grep 'Max open files'
Max open files            4096                 4096                 files

Thanks for the help!


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