On Fri, 2012-04-20 at 15:09 +0000, Camaleón wrote:
> "/dev/sdc1" is the partition with data inconsistency, what we have to find 
> out is why it's left in such state. Another possibility, should you have the 
> chance, could be backup the full partition, reformat it and start over. Being 
> just your /home this won't present any difficulty.

Apart from the fact that I need someway to backup the data :)
While not crucial data, I'd rather keep it. It's just a bit too big to
add to my current backup system.

> >> I wonder what difference can be in shutting down from GNOME and doing
> >> it from the command line, mmm... >:-?
> >> 
> >> 
> > Is is perhaps possible that Gnome is writing out some config files in my
> > home directory during shutdown and the system cuts power prematurely? I
> > also noticed a message saying the device from / is busy during the
> > shutdown sequence, but never /home, while the root filesystem doesn't
> > need the check.
> (...)
> Yes, that was indeed the aim of my "dumb" suggestion :-)

Well, any suggestion is welcome.

I did some tests and it doesn't look like it's Gnome itself, at least
not right after booting.

First test:
1) boot
2) log in using a tty instead of gdm (Ctrl + Alt + F1)
3) issue the "sudo /sbin/shutdown -h +1" command
result: no fsck needed

Second test:
1) boot
2) log in using gdm3 and starting a regular Gnome session
3) switch to tty1, login there
4) issue the "sudo /sbin/shutdown -h +1" command
result: no fsck needed

Third test:
I changed the +1 to +2, so as to give the previous command in the script
enough time (which is a "killall java"). After normal operation, the
command is issued, but this time a fsck was needed again.

I'm thinking about it, there are only 2 applications running right
before that command gets executed.
- Vuze
- pgl-gui (peerguardian for Linux)

The complete script actually looks like this:
vlc -f play
killall java
sudo /sbin/shutdown -h +2

vlc is started full screen with playlist file "play", the last item in
the playlist tells vlc to exit. Then "killall java" is executed to tell
vuze to terminate (failing to do so results in vuze complaining about
suddenly being stopped, due to the shutdown procedure).
That is also the reason for the 1 minute delay, so as to give Vuze
enough time to properly terminate. I had no problems with this before
the reinstall.

I'll remember to stop pgl-gui today, if that doesn't fix it, I'm out of

Kind regards,

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