
* Derrick 'dman' Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-Oct-07 11:05 
* AKDT]:
> On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 09:01:47AM -0800, Christopher Swingley wrote:
> | |     ERROR : Bad or malformed request.
> | |     Server responded: Received: BAD Command unrecognized: FROM | | 
> Sending has nothing to do with uw-imapd and everything to do with your
> MTA (eg exim, postfix, courier, sendmail, qmail).

Actually, I'm pretty sure this error comes from uw-imap because when you 
telnet to port 143 and mis-type an IMAP command (or don't know what they 
are!), you get this same 'BAD command' lingo.

And once I upgraded squirrelmail to the version in incoming (1.4.2), it 
worked fine.

> What mail server are you using?

For the record, I am using postfix.  It's logs don't report anything out 
of the ordinary because the mail is delivered successfully.  
Squirrelmail just wasn't getting the message that it was sent and was 
throwing the IMAP error.

> You can use a packet sniffer (eg tcpdump or ethereal) to see the exact
> exchange between squirrelmail and the MTA is.  If the logs aren't
> sufficient then this will (should) reveal the problem.

Thanks!  As it turns out, a squirrelmail upgrade solved the problem, but 
it's always good to know multiple ways to approach a problem.

Christopher S. Swingley          email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IARC -- Frontier Program         Please use encryption.  GPG key at:
University of Alaska Fairbanks

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