On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 10:28:30PM -0800, J Y wrote:
> WOW thanks for taking me under your "wing". I'm actually online, here,
> courtsey of, ta da, DEBIAN! I looked in /etc/ after doing touch
> /etc/resolv.conf and the file had a "?" on it I though that was a bad
> sign however once I connected it changed (no "?" on the file now) I also
> have 22, yes twenty-two files, in /etc, named resolv.conf.ppp.temp with
> 4 digit numbers after the "temp". Should I delete these? Thank You very
> Much! JY

Great! Glad to hear it's working.

As John says, it's safe to delete the temp files with the 4 digit
numbers. They're relics of previous failed connection attempts when it
wasn't working.


Be kind to pigeons
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