On Vi, 04 mai 12, 15:08:57, Chris Knadle wrote:
> Note this means running 'xfs_check' is done when the filesystem is not 
> mounted.  _Supposedly_ it can also be run if the filesystem is mounted read-
> only, but in practice I find it's best (and easier) to run the XFS commands 
> from a LiveCD.  The xfs_check and xfs_repair operations are incredibly fast 
> -- 
> even for a 500GB filesystem it's usually only takes about 10 or 15 seconds.  

Yep, just did that now.

> Speed is generally what XFS is good at, *except* when it comes to deletion of 
> a large number of files -- that's where it's slow.

On advise of a list subscriber I have added the 'delaylog' mount option. 
This is supposed to help if you have a new enough kernel.

> Also in practice I find that any kernel crash or hard-power-off corrupts XFS 
> to at least some extent requiring an xfs_check and xfs_repair, so I have to 
> make sure to keep a LiveCD on hand to be able to do this.

I using xfs only on my laptop, so I have hard power-off only if the 
kernel crashes. I just did the xfs_check and xfs_repair now, but they 
didn't find any problems.

Kind regards,
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