On Sun, 2012-05-06 at 13:51 +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, May 05, 2012 at 01:24:59AM +0200, Steven Post wrote:
> > Hello list,
> > 
> > I'm testing out a new system, the idea is to combine 6 hard drives into
> > a single btrfs volume (raid10) (using subvolumes for /, /home, etc). I
> > understand that it is now possible to also have /boot on btrfs
> > (previously impossible because of GRUB).
> I tried to install sysyem with much simpler configuration:
>  / :  a single btrfs on a partition          /dev/sda1
> swap: a single swap on a separate partition  /dev/sda2
> It did not work due to missing fsck.btrfs in btrfs-tools.
>  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=668832
>  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567681

I've had the same problem, but I was aware of it from an earlier attempt
using virtualbox and a separate ext4 /boot partition. This can be solved
by changing /etc/fstab (booting from a live cd), look for the line with
the btrfs system, then change last number on that line to a '0' (the
'pass' column).

> > Unfortunately the Debian installer (daily build for wheezy) is unable to
> > create multi-device btrfs volumes.
> Yah.. but you probably can do this via shell screen.

I don't think I'm able to do that from the rescue mode shell without
using an existing installation, without the existing installation I get
a 'Command not found' error on 'btrfs device scan', I assume this
includes the whole btrfs command.

> > I tried the a normal install and then copy it over to a multi-device
> > btrfs system, afterwards adding the remaining disk:
> > 1) using a single drive to install using ext4 for /boot and btrfs for /
> > 2) after (successful) installation boot from a live cd (ubuntu 12.04 in
> > this case, but it shouldn't really matter)
> How successful?  Did it boot?

It boots, yes, but you still need to change /etc/fstab using a live cd
because of the missing fsck tool.

> > 3) create partitions for btrfs on the other 5 drives using gdisk
> > 4) create a multi-device btrfs filesystem with those partitions, with a
> > subvolume for the root filesystem and for /home
> > 5) copy all the data from the first disk to the new btrfs volume
> > 6) chroot into the rootfs of the new volume, after mounting (-o
> > bind) /dev, /proc and /sys into the mounted system
> > 7) change fstab for the new drives and modify /etc/default/grub
> > 8) run update-grub: this is where things start falling down, I get an
> > error about / not being mounted so grub fails.
> > 
> > This is apparently caused by a regression in GRUB [1] (Debian bug
> > #538118).
> Well this is possibly another problem you are facing.  Basically, you
> should know what file to change imanually when copying files from one
> partition to another.  So this is really an expert trick which d-i
> currently does not support for ordinry uses.  But as I mention in the
> above, most simple installation suffer major breakage for btrfs on
> wheezy even if you manually adjust configuration files.

I'll have another look if my other attempts from within the d-i fails.

Another thing I noticed during my tests is that the installer will
recognize existing btrfs partitions and is able to use them, except when
dealing with a multi-device file system. Using rescue mode you can trick
d-i into using them properly by executing a shel in an existing
installation, then issuing a btrfs device scan. Once the scan is done,
you can exit the shell and go back to the partitioner. There I could
select a device (partition) from the btrfs system and use it as /, now
the mount works with the multi-device partition.
Perhaps d-i should issue the 'btrfs device scan' command when starting
the partitioner?

Kind regards,

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