On Sat, 2 Jun 2012 19:57:28 +0600
Aft nix <aft...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Aft,

> I'm taking full responsibility of my actions.

In which case, I misread the tone of your post.

> i'm talking about the subsequent spams, probably generated from same
> source. I'm just checking that same kind of spam(with similar message
> body) is posted multiple times. So spam filter of the list should
> detect it.

Spam filters aren't prescient;  They can't predict new spam types.
Filtering is always playing catch-up. It will take time (IDK how much)
for the filters to be taught how to recognise this model.

Finally, there's no need to CC me, I'm subbed to the list.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
But they didn't tell him the first two didn't count
Tin Soldiers - Stiff Little Fingers

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