dear martin,
thank you for your answer. the canon company has the appropriate
linux-software, which i installed and which is working like a charm.
my problem is still the lack of (x)sane_backend_software: allthough i tried
hard i did not yet succeed in making the mp280_scanner work together with
(x)sane or the gimp (&&)
why the mp 280?: well: somebody gave me that printer and during the proces of
atarting the thing up with appropriate help from some of the list_members i
refreshed, as a long time debian_user, my knowledge.
nochmals, vielen Dank,
groningen, holland
Martin Steigerwald wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012 schrieb steef:
dear all,
just a small question: has somebody an experience with the 'canon pixma
mp 280 printer' under debian; (cups) ? a very cheap and compact
printer so i am told.
I always look at OpenPrinting database first¹.
MP250 seems to be closest match², but beware, maybe the 280 is related to
some other MP model and there are some which are classified as paperweight.
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