Roberto Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003:10:09:14:18:30-0400] scribed:
> Michael D Schleif wrote:
<snip />
> >
> >I am working with a company that is writing software that is to be sold
> >to their customers.  I have specified Debian as the OS on which this all
> >runs; so, here I am on this list to learn the ropes of `free' software.
> >
> >Other than Debian, the software uses Apache, MySQL and PHP.
> >
> >My client wants to retain all rights to their software, and is not
> >willing to release their software in any `free' software fashion.
<snip />
> These questions are probably more appropriate for the debian-legal
> mailing list.

Yes, that is a good point, and I have posted this to debian-legal.

Nevertheless, I am interested in suggestions from the larger userbase of
debian-user . . .

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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