csj wrote:

My school does some courses over the web with streaming video
(WMV, of course).  After the class session they make the whole
WMV video available as a download.  I've been burning them to
CD, but I hate to keep them in WMV format, I'd rather use an
open format.  Speaking of which, what is a good open format for
video (preferably one that MPlayer supports since I already
have it).

Open?  WMV is an open format.  Thanks to all those hackers
working on projects like mplayer, xine and ffmpeg.  Perhaps you
mean a free, "you won't be threatened ever with a patent
infringement suit" format?  You might try checking out
<http://www.theora.org/> and the Matroska (maybe google can
spell-check that one for you ;-) project.

Good point. I did mean free 8)


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