I'm again having problems with the disks getting kicked out of the
array :-o

First of all the old WD green 2TB disk which was marked failed also
makes problems in the Netgear ReadyNas. I will see if I still have
warranty and try to get a new one.

But the other issue scares me a bit ;-)

Here's what I've done so far:

Yesterday I had setup md1 with the four new WD black 2TB disks
~$ mdadm -C /dev/md1 -c 128 -n4 -l5 /dev/sd[abcd]
~$ mdadm --readwrite /dev/md

I created md0 with md1 as a linear array
~$ mdadm -C /dev/md0 --force -n1 -l linear /dev/md1

On md0 I created the xfs filesystem
~$ mkfs.xfs -d agcount=7,su=131072,sw=3 /dev/md0

Then I copied everything from the old md9 raid5 with the Samsung 1.5TB
to md0.

Today I shut the server down and mounted the mobo, os hdd, the Samsung
1.5 TB drives from the old md9 hdds and the mythtv recording hdd to the
Everything went well. I mounted the expander to the case wall and fixed
the cables to stay in place.

Then I booted up again and created md2 with the four Samsung 1.5TB disks
~$ mdadm -C /dev/md2 -c 128 -n4 -l5 /dev/sd[efgh]
~$ mdadm --readwrite /dev/md2

After this I expanded the linear array
~$ mdadm --grow /dev/md0 --add /dev/md2

and the filesystem
~$ xfs_growfs /mnt/media-raid

All this went well too.

But this evening I got 10 emails from mdadm. I've again "pastbined"
them because I didn't want to add them to this text:

I wanted to recreate the array
~$ sudo mdadm -A /dev/md1 /dev/sd[abcd]
mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sda: Device or resource busy
mdadm: /dev/sda has no superblock - assembly aborted

Here's the output of blkid:

> I forgot /var/log/dmesg only contains boot info.  Entries since boot
> are only available via the dmesg command.
> ~$ dmesg|sendmail s...@hardwarefreak.com
> should email your current dmesg output directly to me with no
> copy/paste required, assuming exim or postfix is installed.  If not
> you can use paste bin again.  I prefer it in email so I can quote
> interesting parts directly, properly.

I'm not sure if you dmesg helps solving this problem too. Unfortunately
I couldn't email it so I created a pastebin:

> > I removed the 2 TB disks from the NAS and mounted them in the Norco
> > and connected to the server vio lsi and expander. On these WD
> > drives I created the raid5 (md1) and on top of that the linear
> > array (md0). Upon creation of md1 the fourth disk (sdd) was added
> > as a spare which I had to add manually by setting 
> > 
> > mdadm --readwrite /dev/md1
> That's my fault.  Sorry.  I forgot to have you use "--force" when
> creating the RAID5s.  I overlooked this because I NEVER use md parity
> arrays, nor any parity arrays.  Reason for the spare:
> "When creating a RAID5 array, mdadm will automatically create a
> degraded array with an extra spare drive. This is because building
> the spare into a degraded array is in general faster than resyncing
> the parity on a non-degraded, but not clean, array. This feature can
> be overridden with the --force option."

Thanks for the explanation and the hint. I will use --force from now
on :-)

> > While it was syncing the disks I copied the files from md9 to md0.
> > During this proces sdb was set as faulty.
> Probably too much IO load with the array sync + file copy.  Regardless
> of what anyone says, wait for md arrays to finish building/syncing
> before trying to put anything on top, whether another md layer,
> filesystem, or files.

I didn't read this before doing all the stuff above. Maybe it would
have saved from some headaches...

> >>> That's why I'm already thinking of buying new disks.
> >>
> >> Well lets look at this more closely.  The disks may not be bad.
> >> How old are they?
> You didn't answer.  How old are the 2TB and 1.5TB drives?  What does
> SMART say about /dev/sdb?

Here are the dates I bought the disks:

04.10.2009: 1x Samsung HD154UI
17.02.2010: 3x Samsung HD154UI

12.12.2010: 1x Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB
17.03.2011: 1x Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB
11.08.2011: 2x Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB
01.10.2011: 2x Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB

To be honest I can't remember why I bought 6 of the WDs. But I have sold
at least one of them. The fifth must have disappeared somehow ;-)

I have now stopped md0 and md2 and removed the Samsung and the WD green
drives again. If you want me to post the details of them to I will add
them again. But for now I have here the output of hdparm for the four

Maybe the problem now is related to the case because it's again sdb?
Or maybe it's already broken because I didn't cool them while copying
the files and rebuilding the spare drive.

> > Yes sorry it's absolutely fine. I was just curious because you wrote
> > "when the array fills up it gets slower". So I thought when I add
> > four new disks I'll get free space added and the linear array won't
> > be filled anymore as much as before and so it could regain it's
> > previous speed again.
> This is generally true and there are multiple reasons for it.  To
> explain them fully would occupy many chapters in a book, and I'm sure
> someone has already written on this subject.
> In your case, using XFS atop a linear array, each time you add a new
> striped array underneath and grow XFS, access to space in the new
> striped array will generally be faster than into the sections of the
> filesystem that reside on the previous striped array(s) which are
> full, or near full.
> One of the reasons is metadata lookup--where is the file I need to
> get? If a phone book has 10 entries it's very quick to look up any one
> entry.  What if it has 10 million entries?  Takes a bit longer.  I
> need to write a new 100GB file, where can I write it?  Oh, there's
> not a 100GB chunk of free space to hold the file.  Show me the table
> of empty spaces and their sizes.  Calculate the best combination of
> those spaces to split the file across.  The spaces are far apart on
> the device (array).  We go to each one and write a small piece of the
> file.
> An hour later we want to read that file.  Where is the file?  Oh, it's
> here, and here, and here, and here and...  So we go here, read a
> chunk, go there read a chunk...
> Those a just a couple of the reasons you slow down as your filesystem
> ages.  This is true of both arrays and single disks.  SSDs have no
> such limitations as the time to go from here to there retrieving file
> fragments is zero as there are no moving parts.
> > But really not important for my case!
> > Just curiosity ;-)
> I hope that was enough to satisfy your curiosity. :)  Plenty of people
> have written about it if you care to Google.

Thank you for the explanation. It's especially hard to get into a new
topic because one doesn't know what to ask google :-)

> >>> No really. The adventure of enlarging my media server would have
> >>> ended in total frustration!
> >>
> >> There's still time for frustration--you're not done quite yet.  lol
> > 
> > Yes but now I'm in semi known territory ;-)
> Heheh.  Yeah, at least you're starting to get a little solid footing
> under you.  I first started working with hardware RAID about 15 years
> ago when single drive throughput peaked at 15MB/s and you were lucky
> to get 115MB/s out of a 20 drive array due the controllers being
> slow, and due to the PCI bus peaking at 115MB/s after protocol
> overhead when you used 2 or 4 controllers.  Now single drives do that
> rate routinely.

I fear the solid footing is already becoming loose :-o


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