This may be a little OT, but I've tried other "more relevant" OS lists
and not gotten anywhere.

I recently updated all the computers I use on a regular basis from
Ubuntu 10.10 to Xubuntu 12.04.  To its credit, this boots up to a
graphic of Debian, which is, after all, the underlying OS distro for
all Ubuntu systems.

The problem I'm seeing is that, on one of my machines, my work desktop
specifically, at some point after grub starts up the right kernel,
when the lightdm display manager is coming up, something kills it.
I've looked in dmesg and the system logs, and there's a record of it
getting killed, but not who is doing it.  If I wait until this is
apparent, usually about 30 seconds, then log in directly on a console
and kick it off from the command line, everything is just fine.  I
usually run the machine continuously and only reboot it when the
kernel changes or we have a power shutdown, so it's a minor annoyance,
but it shouldn't happen at all.

I've asked in both the Ubuntu and Xubuntu lists and no one has
ventured an explanation, so I thought I'd ask here.

One significant difference between my home desktop and my home laptop
(which run fine) and my work desktop (which has this problem) is that
the former two both run AMD CPUs (1 Phenom II x6, 1 Turion x2 I think)
and the latter runs with dual quad-core Xeons (Intel), though I have
trouble believing that this is sufficient to explain the problem.

Any suggestions?  I'm also going to join the lightdm list and ask
there (egad - another user list with massive emails - sigh :-).



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