Hello Tony,

Tony van der Hoff <t...@vanderhoff.org> wrote:
> On 01/07/12 13:01, Claudius Hubig wrote:
> Thanks, Claudius. This is primarily for KDE, but I would expect it to
> work for a console login as well. Does KDE try to run ~/.bashrc or
> ~/.profile?

I doubt that it runs .bashrc, but it may well run .profile. It’s
probably best to try that out yourself by creating a small file
containing the time of execution and maybe the PPID, logging in and
then checking what the file contains :)

> The reason I asked here is because I previously tried doing exactly what
> you suggest by putting a link in ~/.kde/Autostart to the script, but it
> doesn't appear to work.

Did you try to use the ‘official’ tool?
appears to describe this thing, but I don’t use KDE and hence don’t
know whether it would work for you.

> I don't appear to have ~/.bashrc nor ~/.profile.

Both files should be created from /etc/skel upon creation of your
user profile.
Best regards,

Tact in audacity is knowing how far you can go without going too far.
                -- Jean Cocteau
http://chubig.net                          telnet nightfall.org 4242

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