On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 07:57:58PM -0400, Brad Alexander wrote:
> So I tried to like pulse, tried to get along with it, but I'm having a
> really hard time with it. I am running sid with kde 4.x, and, to give
> one example (there are several I have noticed), when playing music
> with Amarok, every time a screen issue happens (e.g. when the screen
> saver kicks in, or when the track changes and Amarok kicks up a dialog
> with the name/artist of the next track, the sound goes wonky and
> sounds like it is underwater. Sometimes this will clear up on its own
> after a few minutes, but other times it doesn't or I want it fixed
> immediately...Then I can slide the master volume down and back up in
> kmix (sometimes it takes twice). Very frustrating.

I think that, for best results with pulseaudio, one has to use an
all-or-nothing approach. Pulseaudio is good, but it doesn't take kindly
to other programs using the sound system at the same time. As such, make
sure that amarok and phonon (the KDE sound API) are using pulseaudio to
play sounds and NOT alsa directly.

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