Am Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012 schrieb Brad Alexander:
> Now, I did a little research a couple of weeks ago, and found on the
> Ubuntu wiki ( that they recommend
> installing several extra pulse-related packages. Is it worth it? Will
> it fix my problems? Or is it not worth the effort and should I just
> nuke pulse from orbit? (It's the only way to be sure...)

Oh boy. You got me started. Beware, I tried to stay calm, but I had 
difficult times with Pulseaudio already…


I nuked it. On everyone on of my laptops.

I got lots of problems less.

At some point I was tired of dealing with:

- 1-2 seconds latency with VLC playing back an DVD, video started and I 
had 1-2 seconds until I heard sound.

- usb_set_interface failed log spam and not detecting my Sonica Theater 
USB Audio sound card

- having to use system mode to be able to have Amarok playback on one KDE 
session while using another KDE session

- having to deal with one extra layer to look when I do not hear anything 
for some odd reason

I reported most of these to the Pulseaudio discuss mailing list and also 
to the bug tracker. But thats about it. No fixes so far and in some cases 
no fixes intended. My use case has been considered to be unimportant enough 
to support officially.

So thanks, I am through with it.


Using ALSA with dmix things are not perfect, but so much better than 
before. Only multi session stuff has some issue and USB Sonica Theater is 
initialized to have volume only on one channel (left or right) rather than 
on both, but thats about it.

I think I will retry PulseAudio.

Cause I had this with Network Manager as well. I went to some apt-get 
install / <rant>apt-get totallypurgethiscrap</rant> session with it, until 
version 0.9 and since then all is good.

And I use systemd already and it works.

So why shouldn´t Pulseaudio work some day – unless my uses cases will be 
considered not be supported for any time going.

Thing is with audio and network stuff:

I want this stuff to just work. When I want to listen to audio I want to 
have it play, like my fine new used Kenwood CD player. I don´t want to 
discuss with the machine to have my meditative music or whatnot.

So no to Pulseaudio for me for now.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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