On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 14:24:11 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:

> First I should say that schroot appears to have a lot more functionality
> than I previously realized.  I had thought it was just a fancy suid
> chroot similar to 'dchroot' adding a security layer around chroot(2). 
> But it looks like it can do much more including building chroots on the
> fly and other really fancy things.  I know nothing about that yet and
> will need to read up on it.  But having said that I will answer some of
> your questions anyway even if perhaps the answer isn't relevant anymore
> in light of that.

I haven't used schroot or chroot before. So you're advice is helpful for 
sure :-)

> Ramon Hofer wrote:
>> The program I'd like to jail is a daemon which means I should use the
>> longer script. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything about the
>> initscript ID in the policy-rc.d documentation.
> The "ID" is simply the name of the init.d script.  For nullmailer it is
> nullmailer.  For cron it is cron.  And so forth.

It looked to me as if I should have to adapt the ID there manually.

> The problem that policy-rc.d solves is that a package upgrade in the
> chroot would normally restart the associated daemon.  For some things
> such as nullmailer expected to be run from the chroot that is okay.
> But for other things it is generally undesirable.  For example I would
> definitely not want to run the 'ntp' daemon within the chroot.  I also
> don't want a networking upgrade in the chroot to try to stop and restart
> networking.  Lots of bad things that should not happen.

Thanks for the explanation!

>> Btw I had to set the password for my user inside the chroot to be able
>> to use sudo.
> Yes, of course.  Why does this surprise you?  Building a chroot is
> almost the same as building a competely different machine.  If you
> bought a new machine at the store, brought it home, installed an
> operating system onto it, would you be surprised that you would need to
> set up an account for you there?  Of course not.  Well, this is the same
> thing.  No difference.  If you want it in the chroot then you need to
> install it or set it up or whatever.  If you build an additional chroot
> then that is again a completely unique and separate installation.  If
> you want something there then you need to install it there.
> I frequently share things such as 'bind' mounting my /home directory so
> that I have one home directory.  For a very large install I might have
> many directories bind mounted.  For example:
>   /home     /srv/chroot/sid-chromium/home     none bind 0 0 /tmp     
>   /srv/chroot/sid-chromium/tmp      none bind 0 0 /proc    
>   /srv/chroot/sid-chromium/proc     none bind 0 0 /dev     
>   /srv/chroot/sid-chromium/dev      none bind 0 0 /dev/shm 
>   /srv/chroot/sid-chromium/dev/shm  none bind 0 0 /dev/pts 
>   /srv/chroot/sid-chromium/dev/pts  none bind 0 0 /var/run 
>   /srv/chroot/sid-chromium/var/run  none bind 0 0
> In order to run the Unstable Sid Chromium on Stable Squeeze it wanted
> all of the extras mounted and available.  And then to run chromium from
> it I launch it like this:
> My local /usr/local/bin/chromium file:
>   #!/bin/sh exec schroot -q -c sid -p -- chromium "$@"

That's really cool too.
I will probably be using something like this in the near future :-)

> Yes.  You can run tasksel in test mode with 'tasksel -t' and see the
> command it will run in each case.


In the installer there's an option which I can't see when I run taskesel -
t. In the installer it's called something like base system packages.

It's not important as I won't need it...

>> I think I'll try with the minimal installation as well and when I run
>> into serious problems I might install the rest with tasksel. It makes
>> to not install too much because I won't work in the chroot. So probably
>> even sudo and bash-completion are too much...
> I do often work in the chroot.  For example I use it for web development
> work in Rails.  So for me having basics such as emacs, less,
> bash-completion, and others are nice.
> I don't see much use for sudo.  I would normally use sudo outside the
> chroot to become root in the chroot.  Any of these.  All about the same:
>   $ sudo chroot /srv/chroot/sid /bin/bash
>   $ sudo chroot /srv/chroot/sid su -
>   $ sudo schroot -c sid

I don't know what "web development work in Rails" but I want to build 
and openelec for some other system and maybe this could be a way to do 
it :-)

> As far as I know schroot doesn't start a VM or a Linux container or
> anything super fancy such as those.  I had always thought of it as a
> security layer on top of chroot.  I will have to read up on its fancy
> features.
> But the part I was talking about was simply the chroot(2) part.
> Perhaps you should read the man page for chroot to see the basic
> concepts.
>   man 2 chroot
> It simply affects the path of / to be the specified one.  This is
> inherited by all children processes.

I knew that it changes the root directory. But I couldn't imagine how 
this could be helpful. I thought that a library from sid wouldn't run 
with a Squeeze kernel...

>> /etc/default/sabnzbdplus, /home/hoferr/.sabnzbd and the download
>> location.
> Those appear to be files.  Could you say exactly how you mounted those? 
> Did you 'bind' mount those files?  Which is fine.  I would have 'bind'
> mounted all of /home so as to avoided the need for individual files.  I
> would have copied /etc/default/sabnzbdplus.

Sorry I should have written it.

/etc/default/sabnzbdplus is a file and I have bind mounted it. I read 
somewhere that this is no problem. But I could have copied it as well.

But /home/hoferr/.sabnzbd is a directory.

I don't want to mount the whole home directory because sabnzbd doesn't 
need to have access to it...

Thanks again

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