On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:13:00PM +0100, Ludovic Tolhurst-Cleaver wrote:
> Dear Fellow Debian Users,
> I'm trying to decide if and how to report a possible bug in Debian.
> I'm running Wheezy (actually it calls itself wheezy/sid when I switch
> to tty1 etc.) on a 64-bit Toshiba Satellite Pro A300D laptop with an
> Intel Core2Duo chip.
> Debian had started X and was just about to get to the login dialog box
> when I happened to plug in the laptop's power. This immediately
> resulted in a graphical error screen showing a 'sad-faced PC' image
> and the following message:

I can't say I'm aware of this image, but the timing of it suggests to me
it's a bug in ?dm (gdm3, kdm or whatever display manager you use).
Probably an ACPI event happened which either GDM or X wasn't expecting.

Do you, perhaps have one of these dual-mode graphics cards on that
laptop? If so, the system probably switched to the high-power card at
that point and either it wasn't initialised correctly or the low-power
one was no longer available for X to display on.

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