On Mi, 25 iul 12, 18:53:36, Bob Proulx wrote:
> I would prefer having more smaller bundles that could be installed
> piecemeal.  However the upstream gnome developers don't feel the same
> way.  They would like to see a 100% gnome system top to bottom and
> think doing anything else is wrong according to their philosophy.  We
> will have to agree to disagree.  For me if there were a set of
> meta-packages such as "desktop-extras" or some such that would be my
> preference over having a huge "gnome" meta-package.

There is gnome-core (which still depends on a lot of stuff) and also 
> That puts you into exactly the same situation as the original poster.
> The 'abiword' package could be removed.  That would force removal of
> 'gnome', which is okay since it is just a meta-package and you don't
> need it.  But then dpkg will announce that the long list of things
> marked as automatically installed by gnome are now candidates for
> removal exactly as we are discussing here.

Nitpick: dpkg doesn't care about this, it's the higher level package 
managers (apt/itude).

Kind regards,
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