On Thu, Aug 02, 2012 at 11:19:18AM -0400, Whit Hansell wrote:
>    Needing to send in bug report as I cannot find the answer to this specific
>    problem.  As explained before, I can get to Iceweasel from Icedove when I
>    click on a link but I can only get to my homepage.  I have changed
>    homepages to see if  that may be the problem but it makes no difference.
>    Example of problem.  In email, there is a link to [1]Debian Support.  I
>    click on it and Iceweasel opens up not to Debian Support but to my
>    homepage, ex.  [2]Google Search.  It makes no difference what the link in
>    Icedove I click on, my homepage opens up.  Never the actual link.
>    I have gone thru all the various iterations in Icedove, etc. of getting
>    Iceweasel to be my browser but it always had been but I did the changes
>    anyway thinking one of them may actually be the problem.  That is NOT the
>    problem.
>    I went to the bugreport page for Debian and they said to bring it to you
>    all to have you tell me who I should send in the bug report to as
>    everytime I do a google search all I get is how to set up iceweasel as my
>    browser and that is not the problem.

I would suggest eliminating one or other from the equation to see who's
at fault: 
 * If you open a link in another application, does Iceweasel open it
 * If you set your default browser to be something else (e.g. chromium),
   does Icedove correctly open the link in that?

Hopefully one of those will fail, showing where to report the bug. If
both tests SUCCEED, though, you've got some weird interaction between
icedove and iceweasel going on. In which case, I'd suggest talking to
the Mozilla team at pkg-mozilla-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org.

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