Darac Marjal wrote:
> However, as you've noted, once you run out of RAM, the kernel should
> start moving the less-frequently used pages into Swap. In theory, the
> OOM-killer should only come into play when both are full.


> However, I can see a couple of situations where that may not happen:

Note that the Bret said he was running on a 64-bit machine and that he
had configured 40G of swap space.  Therefore he won't be experiencing
32-bit memory limitations and he won't be experiencing out of virtual
memory space.  Instead a large process will simply grow larger.  If
the process walks through its own memory with any regularity then it
will all be somewhat active which will cause it all to page in and out
of swap space.  That will definitely cause the machine to behave very
slowly while it is actively swapping memory pages.

> Bret Busby wrote:
> > It used to work, much better, with Debian 3 and 3.1; I can't
> > remember much about Debian 4, then, as previously mentioned, I had
> > the problem and the solution as such, with Debian 5, and, now, with
> > Debian 6, memory management appears to simply not work, making
> > Debian 6, at least in the 64 bit version, of the nature of the
> > attributes used to describe the experimental version of Debian.

But remember that amd64 is a recent addition to Debian.  Older Debian
3 and 3.1 did not have an amd64 64-bit version.  (There were 64-bit
alpha versions and so on.)  Therefore it is likely that you were
running a 32-bit version of the system back at that time.

That is a critical difference.  It is critical because then you would
have been capped out at 2G per process (or 3G if they linked it -N
non-shared to get that extra gig) and by that limitation.  If you were
running a 32-bit version of Opera it would have run out of address
space for any more ram and could not possibly have grown to be a 14G
process image as you found it to be recently.  It is only possible now
because you have a 64-bit system now.

As far as the swap space goes...  I imagine that you probably
increased it due to the virtual memory pressure from Opera's large
process size.  Since it has been growing to that large size it is
using up virtual memory.  I assume that is why you increased to that
large size of swap.  Which is fine.  Because otherwise being out of
virtual memory the linux kernel would have activated the out-of-memory
killer and it would have killed processes on your machine until it
could pay its memory overcommit debt.  (Depending upon the setting of

I don't know why Opera is so large on your system.  I think addressing
it would be best place to improve your situation.


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