Camaleón <> writes:

> On Mon, 03 Sep 2012 18:20:35 +0200, lee wrote:
>> In the meantime, I have a working system without having to worry about
>> keeping track of self-installed software and dependency problems that
>> might arise from it. Just don't circumvent the package management --- I
>> tried that many years ago and found out it's a very bad idea, so I
>> don't do that.
> So now what? How are you dealing with your apt problem?

Right now I do have a problem with the NVIDIA drivers again after a lot
of packages were updated :( I have also seen rather weird dependencies
that apparently were introduced by having different branches enabled. So
you're probably right and it's a bad idea to have that.

I have disabled the stable, unstable and experimental branches now and
let apt-get downgrade the packages, which should take everything back to
what's in testing. That might leave me with some stuff broken, and I'll
just have to go from there. Starting from scratch isn't really an option
I want to take because it's ridiculously difficult to make it so that
the system boots from a RAID-1, not to mention everything else

This also answers the question what to do when a more recent version of
some software is needed: get the source and make it yourself.

Debian testing amd64

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