Lionel Trésaugues wrote:
> Debian and Ubuntu deal with fonts existed. But the unpleasant
> feeling is present (even if not so intense), just by looking at the
> background of an empty desktop. It seems that the light is too
> intense, too violent (even when I reduce the brightness) and that my
> eyes keep on adjusting the focus with no interruption in an almost
> imperceptible manner.

Two things I would consider are:

* The color temperature of the screen. Many LCDs have a very blue and
  bright tinge to them, which can be painful in large doses and is
  fixable by adjusting the color temperature and/or gamma correction.
  Some LCD monitors have gamma correction settings, but I use the
  redshift program to do it, as follows:
  gtk-redshift -l 35:-80 -r -t 5800:5800 -g 0.9
  (alternatively, try a pair of rose tinted sunglasses, same basic effect ;)

  While I can't imagine the color temp or gamma varying between
  distributions, different desktop backgrounds could involve more
  painful colors. IIRC Ubuntu's tend to be more red/brown than Debian's,
  which would tend to obscure this problem.

* Inaudible or barely audible noise from either the computer or the
  monitor, possibly created by specific clocks cycles of a particular
  software load. (TV sets do this to me all the time.)
  Try turning the monitor off and staying in front of the
  computer, or leaving it on but with the display obscured to check,
  or find a younger pair of ears who may be able to hear higher pitches.

see shy jo

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