On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 07:38:37AM -0300, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
> On 09/26/2012 07:00 PM, Wally Lepore wrote:
> > I'm looking for a complete tutorial that explains how to accomplish
> > this otherwise simple procedure that had become difficult for me.
> Instead of worrying so much about verifying the checksum, you could have
> used your time to simply try to install Debian. If it failed for some
> strange reason, then there could have been a problem downloading the
> file (unlikely) or burning it to cd (more likely). If it worked, you'd
> already have your running system.

That depends on WHY he's wanting to verify it. Either he's checking to
see that the download is complete and correct or he's checking that
what's he's downloaded is what Debian provided. It's entirely possible
for someone to upload a malicious ISO that runs correctly, yet installs
a backdoor (see, for example, the recent news about phpMyAdmin).

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