On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 7:17 AM, Lisi Reisz <hants...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to set up a small network of three machines to intercommunicate
> via ssh.  Machines B and C are running Squeeze with Trinity DE, machine A is
> running Lenny with KDE3.  (The other Squeeze machine turned up its toes and
> died this morning. :-(  So I had to bring poor old Lenny back on stream.)
> I have been using Google to good effect for almost the whole process, about
> which I am a total ignoramus, but I have hit an impasse from which much
> Googling cannot extricate me.
> I have machines A, B, C.  All three can ping each other and the router.
> Machine A can ssh into both the other machines.  Machine C can ssh into both
> the other machines.  Machine B can ssh into Machine C, but not into Machine
> A.
> I am now reluctant to do anything too drastic in case I kibosh even what I
> have got.
> Anyone got any suggestions what I could try?  Could I supply more helpful
> data?  I have done a ssh -v and the result is below.

What does your sshd config file look like on A? Are you using RSA
certs for authentication?

Kelly Clowers

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