Robert Latest <> writes:

> Hello all,
> I'm planning on setting up a small linux PC in an industrial
> environment. The PC will act as a bridge between a string of
> Ethernet/Modbus devices and a database server. It will run a very
> simple application that queries the Modbus devices and relays its
> findings to the database. The PC will have two ethernet ports: One
> connected to the Modbus devices, the other to the company's intranet.
> One port will be assigned an IP address from the intranet's DHCP
> server, and the Modbus devices will be assigned addresses in the
> 192.168 range using a DHCP server on my PC.

What if you actually do make your host a bridge that bridges the two
networks and let the Modbus devices get their addresses from the DHCP
server?  The shorewall documentation has an example called something
like "simple bridge setup" that might accommodate your needs.

You could also use another private address range like 10.x.x.x for the
Modbus devices.

> the routing table using a network mask or something of the sort. But
> what if, hypothetically, I do need to connect to an intranet host
> whose IP address happens to be used by a Modbus device as well?

That won't work unless you change the routing before connecting to that
host (and restore it afterwards) or actually bridge the networks and
make sure that IP addresses are each used for no more than one device at
the same time.

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