On Ma, 16 oct 12, 07:48:17, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I think you are mistaken about the sync only once a day. The signals
> giving the year month and day are given once a day, but the precise
> time-tics are given throughout the day. 

Well, in Europe the signal is indeed sent every second, but this doesn't 
mean that the my is actually using it. The clock itself is programed to 
synchronize only once per day, for the rest of the day relying on its 
internal (most probably cheap) clock.

Since the signal is quite weak here where I live (it also doesn't help 
that my apartment is oriented mostly towards south-east) the overnight 
sync doesn't always succeed so I have to move my clock to a specific 
place in the apartment and trigger a manual resync from time to time. 
For example, right now my radio clock was about 5 sec ahead.

Kind regards,
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