On Ma, 16 oct 12, 17:34:19, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> FWIW tons of packages doesn't mean tons of apps etc., since of the
> strange policy to split some packages in an insane way, e.g. the jackd
> packages are split really insane. Or does any package depend to libjack
> without jackd? And if so, why?
Why should every application *capable* of outputting to jackd force one 
to install jackd?

> There often is the argument that shared libs will keep a system small,
> but bad hard dependencies often enlarge a system. On Arch there e.g. is
> a dependency to systemd. I use intitscripts, not systemd, but have got
> systemd installed. On Debian for example there's a hard dependency to
> pulseaudio for some apps, even if it's completely useless.

Care to provide some examples? Looking through the reverse dependencies 
of the package 'pulseaudio' the only strange one is 
kde-telepathy-call-ui. If you meant dependency to libpulse, then the 
answer is the same as for jackd.

> And FWIW, meta-packages only summarize some other packages, so the count
> of packages gives information about big nothing.

We don't know anything about Lisi's use case, so this is maybe a bit 

Kind regards,
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